....getting more and more dramatic as the days go by. Sometimes going to work is like watching a drama series on tv. Thursday night at work, I asked a buddy out for a smoke. We don't have a smoking roon inside the office, but we're able to smoke right outside the office door. Since we have bluetooth headsets, my friend stayed logged in since its only about 10 or 20 feet to the office door and there were only 3 of us on duty that night. I had opted to put my status on 'Break', as I wanted to go to the washroom.
While we were outside, one of our managers came and joined us for a chat as we were talking about a recent meeting that was held to discuss team issues which my friend hadn't attended. Shortly after, my manager went in. When we were done with our smokes, we followed suit. Since we had been outside for quite awhile (about 15 - 20 minutes), I decided to go straight back to my desk. As we were walking in, we were suddenly accosted by my senior manager who was shouting at my buddy for not being at her desk while she was logged in.
"What were you doing outside the office? You don't like to work inside this office is it?", he screamed. "Get inside the boss's office! (The head manager) wants to see you!" He then turned around and stormed off into our big boss's office
The both of us stood stock still for a moment, shocked by his attitude. My colleague then quickly scurried off into the boss's office, leaving me standing there trying to figure out what had just occurred. What the fuck just happened? I looked around at the stunned, inquisitive faces of all my other colleagues who were surreptiously watching the goings on. I quickly walked over to to my other teammate's desk and asked what the hell was all that ruckus about. Turns out the head manager had wanted to see my colleague and asked my senior manager where she was as she hadn't been at her desk. He initially assumed she had gone to the washroom, but when he checked her phone status, he freaked when it showed that she had still been logged in the entire time she had been away from her desk.
The 3 of us (my teammate and I, and the manager who had stopped to chat with us while we were outside) were getting incredibly worried when my friend remained inside the big boss's office for about an hour. However, when she and my senior manager finally came out, they were all smiles. At the time, all that worrying we had done seemed rather anticlimatic, but we were still dying to know what had happened. When the senior manager and head manager finally left for the night (around 10pm), we immediately jumped on my friend and asked her what had occurred.
"Oh nothing much, the boss just wanted to brief me about the meeting the other day and wanted my feedback." she said calmly.
That's all? we almost screamed. She nodded. What about all the shouting? we asked.
"Oh I apologized for the error and said I wouldn't do it again. He was all smiles after that."
We rolled our eyes and wisely chose not to say anything further about the matter.
But seriously, things like this are becoming more and more common in the office. Employees are disciplined at the whim of the manager by being openly embarassed in front of their co-workers. And I do not use those words lightly. This was in fact one of the issues brought up to our head manager in the team meeting.
Her response was, "Some employees can only be disciplined by being embarassed in front of everyone else."
I mean, what the hell? Are we 5 year old kids caught in some minor mischief? Do we not at least deserve to be treated at least with some dignity as adults? Yes, we are your employees, but that does not mean you own us, you fucking power crazy, ugly bitch. No wonder more and more managers are starting to practice this shit, because you condone it! And then you complain because none of us appear to want to speak up during the farce of a meeting you insisted on having. What would be the point? We all know nothing will come of it and the meeting was purely you putting on a show to your bosses to pretend that you tried to resolve the issues among my team, while putting the blame solely on us, while proclaiming yourself and your henchmen to be as white as the driven snow! Do you really think we trust your word anymore? After you clearly covered up for one of your pets when she intentionally took someone else's phone with the intention of stealing it, and got off with what was even less than a slap to the wrist? (Which is a story for another day).
Sometimes I wonder why I don't and never did become an ass-kissing sycophant. All the ass-kissing sycophants I know are either in management positions, or well on their way there! Its-not-fairrrr! *whines*
lick the arse baybeh... lick the arseeee
i said KISS...not lick! >.<"
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