...I realize that I havent beeen blogging much lately. The last time I actually posted was on the 16th of Jan, and if you noticed (which I'm sure you have), just below the titles of my previous 2 posts there have been notices stating "This post was supposed to be published on...". Now, just because I haven't been posting doesn't mean that I had no intention to. The intentions were there...its just that...with all the things that have been going on, I just haven't been able to find the time to. I mean, I've been so busy with playing games, and watching movies, and spending time with my baby, and..err..work...that I just haven't had the mood to blog. But today, despite the fact that I'm at work (and supposed to be working *rolls eyes*), I had a revelation that was SO major that I just had to write about it!
'And what was that revelation?', I can almost hear you say. Well the revelation is this, I am (almost) dressed in branded clothes from top to toe! With the exception of my socks and accessories, I am wearing Renoma jean shorts, Bum tee shirt and belt, Pierre Cardin underwear, and Reebok shoes!
Okay, enough with the rolling eyes already!
Anyway, the reason why this surprises me is because for my whole life, my apparel choices have mirrorred my dad more than my mom. And I say this because my mom is more the type to purchase expensive items and wear them for a long time, whereas my dad will buy bargain basement clothing...and also wear them for a long time (depending on how long it takes for the item of clothing to fall apart). Heheheh.
So, back to my blathering. My clothing choices have really changed in the last few years. I remember a time where I only wore chinos and shirts whenever I went out. Then there was a time where I only wore a t-shirt with a shirt half buttoned over it and jeans. Then there was a time where I never wore t-shirts, collared or otherwise. And then there was yet another time when I never wore shorts or slippers. Currently, I just never wear round neck tshirts whenever I step out of the house, and most times will just wear shorts and slippers with a polo tee. If I feel like 'dressing up', I'll wear my polo tee with jeans and sneakers instead.
Why am I boring you with all this shit? I haven't the foggiest idea. I just felt like showing off my weird-nerdy side for abit. Apparently some people find that cute.
just because i said nerdy look is cute and attractive, you go and blast my taste... hmmmpphhh!!
In my defence, I didn't blast ur taste also...! I was..erm...just wondering if other ppl find tht cute. :P
i am sure there are others who find nerdy look cute.. but which 'other' are you looking for.. muahahahahaahha
I don't know that's why I was wondering.... :P
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